Daniel Egger

Results 399 comments of Daniel Egger

> Also, this wouldn't allow the use of multiple peripherals which share a pin, but with that pin disabled by one of them. That's the whole idea, no? STM32F1 (unlike...

> SPI is useful for bit-banging. For example, I control the ws2812s in my keyboard using just the MOSI pin Fair enough but how does that relate to the pin...

> I suspect that if you would just let the user keep the pin, they would not only be able to use it as GPIO (fine), but also use it...

@andrewmruddy There're some examples for I2C use with `stm32f1xx-hal` in the `ssd1306` crate, e.g. https://github.com/jamwaffles/ssd1306/blob/master/examples/graphics_i2c.rs

@jounathaen I wouldn't want to add external dependencies for examples and unfortunately I2C without connected devices is not too impressive/useful.

@jounathaen Oh sure, I definitely agree we should have proper code documentation with logical code snippets.

We also have lower level networking with examples in the https://github.com/adamgreig/stm32f4-smoltcp-demo

@Fotte You might want check out the Rust embedded matrix channel, https://matrix.to/#/#rust-embedded:matrix.org . There's lot's of ongoing discussion about how to implement DMA use cases properly there. Although I think...

Just randomly stumbled across this ticket and I do find one argument rather weird in this discussion which is "performance": How is that even a topic worth making size tradeoffs...

> The main reason why performance matters for CLI parsers is when a lot of arguments are passed to the command, or when the command is repeatedly executed. This can...