Daniel Egger

Results 399 comments of Daniel Egger

`pac` := Peripheral Access Crate

cf. https://rust-embedded.github.io/book/portability/index.html

Is that so? I haven't thought of `cortex-m` as a PAC so far. Maybe we should raise the question as issue on the embedded-wg issue tracker to sort out potential...

Well, don't let the figure irritate you; I've created that. ;) However https://rust-embedded.github.io/book/start/registers.html agrees with that view and that hadn't been done by me.

@TheZoq2 Uhm, but with the latest changes we're exporting it as `stm32`, `pac` and `device`.

Well, if we have to chose one it should probably the documented one which is `pac`. 😏

I guess we should also setup a few guidelines to help people who want to help. The basic idea of the error handling is those errors will stack and bubble...

Hey @katyo, thanks for this great suggestion. Indeed the implementation is rather barebones and lacking a lot of functionality. Unidirectional communication should be rather easy to implement by defining dummy...

Ugh, I just read the RM0008 about the AFIO operation for the first time; I wasn't aware it's that bad until just now. I guess the only sane approach here...

> An easy option might be to just configure the SPI peripheral in RX-only mode if the Mosi pin is not used. That's probably a good idea anyway but I...