Max Whitney
Max Whitney
For events, is there a good place in the context code to hook in to check for input?
Yes, reading from stdin and converting to SDL. I'll give that a try unless you have anything in progress.
So my compiling and test setup is pretty awkward, but I've got the main features from my python package working in [this branch]( for unixish platforms: basic keyboard events, window...
Sure, I've opened a draft PR. The autotools build from the guide actually worked fine for me, it was just trying to build the samples and my own test code...
Also by the way, is there a reason to call this "xterm" rather than "ansi" or "console" or something?
I've never heard "xterm" being used as a generic term elsewhere, it's a specific terminal emulator. Pretty much all the output here is covered by the ANSI standard or what...
I think is using that term because it's the xterm spec, and I'm not sure how many people normally run xterm itself any more. Isn't the standard environment variable...
To me it's quite a strange name just because it's not a usage I've seen before. The danger in presenting it as "as long as it supports what xterm supports"...
I was thinking of "real" as in a text terminal instead of a graphical window, so it would have to be like `unix-real-terminal` which is awkward. > I won't mind...
Also to be clear, on unix "terminal" is theoretically a hardware text terminal, and "terminal emulator" is local software that pretends to be that. So xterm is a terminal emulator...