
Results 19 issues of thep0y

Some colors are defined in `defaultTemplateFuncs`, but these are only some of the colors in the `color` package, how to use more colors quickly? ```go // Foreground text colors const...

55秒的录屏: ![iShot2021-04-02-19 51 31]( 不知道是st4的原因,还是lsp的原因,还是其他原因,文件头不能添加,但是能对已添加的文件头进行更新。 配置文件里只配置了author和email,没有其他配置

```bash $ cmake -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR/ \ -DPYTHON_LIBRARIES=$PYTHON_LIBRARIES \ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$PYTHON_EXECUTABLE \ -DOpenCV_DIR=../opencv4 \ -DWITH_OPENCV=ON \ -DSERVER=ON .. ... CMake Error: Cannot open file for write: /root/PaddleOCR/deploy/pdserving/Serving/build_server/core/Makefile.tmp CMake Error: : System Error: Not...


修改 dpi 为 192: ```shell env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.deepinwine/Deepin-WeChat" /opt/deepin-wine6-stable/bin/wine winecfg ``` 然后运行微信,会重新生成微信容器,导致上面修改的 dpi 失效。 但不止 dpi 失效,是所有注册表文件都重置了。 ```shell /opt/apps/com.qq.weixin.deepin/files/ ``` 下面的命令才能正常使用自定义过的容器: ```shell env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.deepinwine/Deepin-WeChat" /opt/deepin-wine6-stable/bin/wine $HOME/.deepinwine/Deepin-WeChat/drive_c/Program\ Files/Tencent/WeChat/WeChat.exe ``` 没有仔细看``和``里的代码,但我觉得可能有些问题。

下面的内容不一定是最恰当的方法,仅供参考。 --- deepin wine 的运行脚本路径为`/opt/deepinwine/tools/`, 生成(部署)容器的函数如下: ```shell RunApp() { progpid=$(ps -ef | grep "zenity --progress --title=${BOTTLENAME}" | grep -v grep) debug_log "run ${BOTTLENAME} progress pid $progpid" if [ -n "$progpid"...


### Describe the bug The current display's scaling factor is 1.5. ![截图_选择区域_20240203212234]( Tauri retrieves a scaling factor of 1: ```rust .setup(|app| { if let Some(w) = app.get_window("main") { let monitor...

type: bug
status: needs triage

### Describe the bug SVG supports the definition of namespace prefixes, but these attributes are missing in SolidJS, as indicated by the error in the title. ### Your Example Website...


这样传入点击事件,点击时却不触发: ```tsx console.log(e), }} /> // 或 console.log(e)} /> ```


help wanted