Theo Naunheim
Theo Naunheim
Thanks for your help. I forgot to mention that I changed "get_tree()" to "get_trees()" so all the method names reflected that they took iterables as inputs. The method names are...
Hmm ... I will try debugging this tomorrow. I am not entirely sure what the problem is, but I should be able to sort it out by Monday and provide...
Hey, @priamai . Apologies for the delay--last weekend was a total wash. I went ahead and included pip ipympl and the notebook plugin build in the docker image. This means...
Edit: TL;DR: this is an upstream WONTFIX problem. You can use "%matplotlib notebook" by getting rid of "-e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes" from the Docker run command, which will start Jupyter Notebook instead...
Thanks for the issue, @vidhisshah . You are correct: this is how it is [intended]( to be used and should be validated. Will tweak the `master_fix` branch and send an...
Thanks for the heads up. I will take a look this weekend.
From an API perspective, how do you see this working? I.e. how does an analyst define this curve? ``` python t_curve = np.polyfit( [100, 1_000, 10_000], [1, .2, .1], 3...
Les poissons, les poissons how I love les poissons!
1. I will see what I can come up with this weekend on custom user reports. I made some (rather poor) design choices early on that make it difficult for...
@jonrau1 , just FYI violin plot x-axis labels have been rotated in 0.2-beta.0. Still working on custom user reporting and memory usage. In the mean time I've also added a...