Theo Naunheim
Theo Naunheim
TL;DR: maybe? I'll take a look this weekend. This class was intended to present information on the aggregate risk. Disclaimer: aggregation is undefined in the Open FAIR standard; the FairMetaModel...
@jonrau1 , if you could attach the mocked up data that would also be helpful.
I think the goal is: 1. Feed a grouping of models into a new class that has the same basic summary/export methods of the FairMetaModel, but that doesn't add the...
Awesome. Thanks for elaboraring. Will figure out feasibility this weekend.
Quick warning: I checked my notes on this one ... this is going to require a complete rewrite in keras or pomegranate. It's a long, long ways off.
Get rid of drawing during jupyter shim creation.
Thanks for your interest. Tentative yes. I'll take a look this weekend and see if I can cobble together a sustainable solution.
Perfect, thank you. I think this is a common enough use case that I'm leaning towards creating a new class. Haven't thought about all the implications yet, but I think...
@priamai ... thanks again for the idea. This is definitely do-able and will be included in the next release. Two questions: 1. What do you want to do with the...
@priamai , at your convenience would you check the newest Docker Hub image and see if the shim works as intended?