Ian Forsey

Results 19 comments of Ian Forsey

Thanks so much @NiklasEi! Much appreciated

Thanks @cepsong. [Killing `coreaudiod`](https://gist.github.com/felipecsl/5177790) temporarily fixes for me too.

:+1: Are you going to fork https://github.com/mtkopone/sbt-scct as well? I started working on upgrading sbt-scct to create a `0.13.0` version of the SBT plugin. If I manage to get that...

Here is the related issue in sbt-scct: https://github.com/mtkopone/sbt-scct/issues/7

Thanks for raising this. Agree that it makes sense to put the cats instances in a separate library that users can optionally add to their project. What makes this a...

Hello! Thanks for raising this. I've not fully read the [IRI spec](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3987), but at a glance, I think many of the things in there are already supported in scala-uri. By...

Thanks 🙇 If you come across anything whilst working with json-ld, let me know 👍 I'll take another pass through that IRI spec in the next couple days to double...