Hi, it is a new sensor from here... an Adafruit BNO055 works well. And when i look at the "read" and "write" -functions there is no big difference in...
``` I2C device found at address 0x28 ! done EM7180 ROM Version: 0xE69 Should be: 0xE609 EM7180 RAM Version: 0x17435 EM7180 ProductID: 0x80 Should be: 0x80 EM7180 RevisionID: 0x2 Should...
Hello, thanks for the fast support! i think it works now... but i changed to the ESP32 and edited the Wire.h. I will test the arduino later. but what i...
i have a look at the sensor status bits in the loop() function ``` // Check sensor status uint8_t sensorStatus = readByte(EM7180_ADDRESS, EM7180_SensorStatus); Serial.print(" EM7180 sensor status = "); Serial.println(sensorStatus);...
Hey, sure i tested the stuff with some parallel resistors. and it works only with 1k parallel -> ~830ohm. And i use 3.3V Power. But i have no issues with...
Ahhh, thanks it works very well! thanks