For example, ``` > let f = (ElapsedP (Elapsed (Seconds 1367411052 ))) (NanoSeconds 258801000) > f 1367411052s.258801000ns > f `timeAdd` (NanoSeconds 1) 1367411052s.258801000ns ``` The reason being that the `toSeconds`...
The latex `\begin{comment}` blocks are not being hidden in the html on the site. See:
on node/chrome ``` > new Date("2001-01-01T23:59:60Z") Invalid Date ``` on safari: ``` > new Date("2001-01-01T23:59:60Z") < Mon Jan 01 2001 16:00:00 GMT-0800 (PST) ```
Given the following underlying `DateTime` objects, I get the following invalid `RFC3339String`s: ``` (DateTime (Date (Year 97147) December (Day 26)) (Time (Hour 3) (Minute 36) (Second 4) (Millisecond 729))) 97147-12-26T03:36:04.729569335Z...
(From @j6carey) The [proto3 specification]( says: "Wrappers use the same representation in JSON as the wrapped primitive type, except that null is allowed and preserved during data conversion and transfer."...
Much of the complexity in the current code generator is due to name resolution and well-formedness checking being intermingled with actual code generation. It would be much cleaner to separate...
This is good for a quick v1, in future it would be nice to (a) make the templates more typed (using something like `row-types` or `vinyl`) and (b) expand the...