
Results 9 comments of themancalledjakob

> The above hides the ofGLFWWindowSettings features but also the dependency. > Not sure if we should include some commented out code above to show how to use the more...

in the meantime.... you might be able to replace libs/bullet2.8.9 with libs/bullet3. afaik there are no breaking changes, and the examples I tested, are fine. Just get the source directory...

For linux it should just compile, if the source files are there :) but, to possibly speed up the build process, I have all static libraries from the current master...

i have it now put into place here: oh, i just notice. i did compile from master... would you compile from the release 3.09 instead?

hey Nick, sorry for the late response. I've been trying to build it now for a while, but somehow it doesn't want to just compile with the sources anymore when...

do you still have the exact cmake flags that you used for building the static libs? I used: `cmake -DBUILD_CLSOCKET=ON -DENABLE_VHACD=ON -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DB3_USE_CLEW=ON -DUSE_BULLET2_USE_OPEN_MP_MULTITHREADING=ON -DBT_THREADSAFE=ON -DUSE_DOUBLE_PRECISION=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..` that should...

Hey, I forked your repo, updated it to clipper 6.1.3a and added an ofPath example (not sure though if the way I did it was the best way to do...

sure! I'll just clean it up a little bit tonight and then do the PR. On 29 May, 2014, at 21:43, Christopher Baker [email protected] wrote: > That sounds great --...

hmmm.. so that would actually ignore the precompiled library. could it be, that the freetype lib in `$OF_ROOT/libs/freetype/lib/emscripten/` was compiled with a different emsdk than you used to compile fontsExample?...