Avery-Dante Hinds
Avery-Dante Hinds
hey @dabit1 , do you think you coul dhelp me out with getting authenticated. I don't know how to get it working on the server. I've been piecing together what...
I can't seem to figure out how to send a query with an authorization token. I've set up my graphql server to look for auth token so I can't query...
I commented out some resolvers I tried to set up to handle sign up and login but I have no idea how to do that with Neo4j and graphql. But...
Yeah like @maieulChevalier said the demo is not working. After logging in You still can't access the data. Can we please get an update for this demo. This is the...
I also need some help with mobile styling for the popover. It seems like in mobile, the classNames change for the `driver-popover-arrow.` It forces it to be `left:15px` or `right:15px`...