Results 4 comments of POOT

also having this same issue with an RTX 3080Ti :( cpu looks like it's running fine.

Line 103 and 130 should be earned += rewardmath / 100; I was having the same issue. Havent actually checked to make sure, but checking the code it looks like...

``` PS C:\Users\PootDev\Documents\GitHub\solana> npm --version 10.6.0 PS C:\Users\PootDev\Documents\GitHub\solana> node --version v20.12.2 PS C:\Users\PootDev\Documents\GitHub\solana> npx create-solana-dapp@latest > npx > create-solana-dapp ┌ create-solana-dapp 2.2.0 │ ◇ Enter project name │ poot-solana-dapp │...

ah that was the issue. I just tried it on my Macbook and it installs.