Kagan Ugur

Results 11 comments of Kagan Ugur

Yes. This is probably because of ``` [""] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback) if cmp.visible() then cmp.select_next_item() elseif luasnip.expand_or_jumpable() then luasnip.expand_or_jump() elseif has_words_before() then cmp.complete() else fallback() end end, { "i", "s" }),...

How can I directly use this branch with coc?

I'm switching over to built-in lsp because of this issue. It's a nightmare. Hours of configuration is wasted. Is there any update on this issue? Thanks.

Here is a workaround for using LSP directly. You will need to install lsp globally. `yarn global add @tailwindcss/language-server` ``` "languageserver": { "tailwind-lsp": { "command": "tailwindcss-language-server", "args": ["--stdio"], "filetypes": [...

I couldn't understand the problem. ``` ``` Something like this seems to be working. I see you are using `labelProps`. If you are opting in using label as Node instead...

Closing this. Feel free to reopen if the above comment is not enough. Thanks. @anshuopinion

Hi, It seems like working. You are probably referring to Chrome Autofill and there's a [Stackoverflow Post](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15738259/disabling-chrome-autofill) about that. `` you can see `autocomplete` correctly set to `"off"`.

Sorry, nothing changed. Disabling syntax highlighting on floating windows fixes the issue if this will give you a clue. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28161197/97079854-ba37e080-15ff-11eb-81ff-1953951d7480.png)

Can you look at https://github.com/thekaganugur/formik-chakra-ui/pull/169 ? Everything is ok when exporting but usage gives `any`