Alex Gostev
Alex Gostev
Working document:
Here's the 10 mins guide from Brett on how to launch CKAN quickly on Codespaces:
### Takeaways from a kick-off discussion during the Core Dev Team Meeting **Motivation** - Current UI is outdated so it'd be nice to refresh it at the surface. - We...
Updates will be first of all posed in this GitHub discussion page: Project plan: Design system (fonts, colors, elements):
Design system is built, along with layouts, feedback is taken and processed. The last design touch would be in the area of mobile interfaces. Meanwhile we're moving to implementing existing...
132 accessibility-related issues found by scanning layouts in our Figma files. Fixes in Figma planned by next Monday, minor updates in JS/CSS expected.
New UI implementation can be checked real-time on this instance: Login/password: ckan/preview .
Thanks for the update @anuveyatsu, I like how you explained the matter around standards. My impression was that in EU happens data infrastructure change, if it's so and we can...
He's the insight by Cheng-Jen from 🇹🇼, published with his consent: We have carried out some experiments on linked data (; source code: with CKAN several years ago. However,...
Hey @amercader, @EricSoroos, quick status sync. The initial problem discussion led to 2 potential solutions: and Tech research on these solutions is done, resulting docs are and...