I also failed to build ponder-v3.0.0 on visual studio 2019. Then I tried to build it on visual studio 2015 and it also failed. The error happened while building the...
I try the code below. It do failed. ` // Foo.h #pragma once struct Foo { int v_; } // FooList.h #pragma once #include struct Foo; struct FooList { void...
SAMainWindow标题栏和边框的处理使用的是Qt::WindowFlags::FramelessWindowHint吧,然后自己去处理鼠标事件。 可以考虑使用 作者需要帮忙的化,我可以参与。
I meet a simalar question. I use cmake to configure my visual studio project. `cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 -T v140 ..` However, conan.cmake can't recognize the...
Thank you for your reply. I admire your wonderful work and your choice is right. I am using boost::filesystem instead. Please close the issue.