@amitabheer When you give a ON command or OFF command check whether you are getting same commands in JSON response in the serial monitor.
Thanks, Can you share your code without apiKey and deviceIds?
Thanks, Kindly delete the code . Your API key is exposed. Code seems fine. There is a print statement to print out payload. Check with serial monitor once more.
Please don't call me sir am still a student :). You can call me Dhanush. Okay try this once. For nodeMCU we should declare pins as D1 ,D2 Try using...
Or check if relay board is *active Low* or *active High*
Okay I checked the description for that relay channel board. It's a active Low board. When you give input as LOW relay will be ON . When you give input...
@amitabheer The relay board you are using now it's good. It has a optocoupler which offers maximum impedance from relay to NodeMCU. According to your relay schematic a transistor is...
In your code . Just change all HIGH's to LOW And all LOW's to HIGH Relay board description is here http://wiki.sunfounder.cc/index.php?title=8_Channel_5V_Relay_Module
In void setup () After pinMode () Set all pins to high digitalWrite(device_1,HIGH) So on..
Thanks, Can I see what changes you made. Mail me the code [email protected]