Lam Phan
Lam Phan
Rails 7 Hotwire requires many `data html-options` such as `data-turbo-frame`, `data-controller` (stimulus.js), ... But it looks like `Kaminari` only support the `data-remote` option. So i think it's better to support...
Rails Ruby 3.2.2 I setup config as below: ```ruby # initializers/cypress_rails.rb return unless Rails.env.test? CypressRails.hooks.before_server_start do # Called once, before either the transaction or the server is started Rails.application.load_tasks...
### Summary Support React On Rails w/Hotwire and Turbo Streams, All turbo events (turbo:before-render, turbo:render,.. ) will not dispatch with TurboStream, except [turbo:before-stream-render]( And it looks like turbo-rails...
This is a demo for my pull request [react_over_hotwired]( and also proof that the [react_on_rails issue 1508 ]( is fixed. - to run this pr: + clone theforestvn88:react_over_hotwired repo, build...
Add optimize note for the leetcode problem No.1380 (EN doc only).