then perhaps this is better off as a toggle cvar so servers can customize which compatibility to adhere to? As Oda does not have full hexen support in the latest...
Updated to include that this only occurs in Horde mode, not a normal Odamex thing
my bad, just saw the message now. No clue how to describe it from the technical side but from what has been seen, basically zdoom will look at the ID...
Just checked, does not happen online but it is important to note that the voodoo dolls are invisible while online so it may already be taking on different properties than...
I will second that I also recently was forced to move from win10 to win11, so maybe a connection?
This is apparently a rare zdoom feature to be used, so I will have to generate a wad to show. Otherwise most mappers simply use the skybox feature.
Pretty much almost all the maps in Corectf2 use this, off the top of my head core02 and core03 spring to mind.