@cyrilwanner hey! What do you think about this dynamic loading issue? Because right now, it isn't working for ex. when rendering blogposts. I'm happy to contribute if it isn't resolved...
Leaving a comment here to prevent the issue from auto-closing.
@shadcn I saw you asking on Twitter about new components a few days ago. This might be a great time to include this PR also?
another use case is Prisma migrations. After running `prisma migrate dev` with Turbo, I saw the successful migrations log and then nothing happened, the CLI was just hanging. Then a...
Sure. But the build issue would still come up if there's anything else in the utils file and I want to import that in a server component. In this example:...
> Sorry, I completely missed this. > > @MrsBookik, is this still happening? Still happening for me. `homebrew/cask-versions/zulu11: No such file or directory @ rb_file_s_rename - (/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/zulu11/11.0.21,11.68.17, /opt/homebrew/Caskroom/zulu11/11.0.21,11.68.17.upgrading)`
@jasonbosco can confirm, it's the same using the example. TypeScript only picks up `retreive()` for `typesense.analytics.rules()`