Cătălin Stan

Results 7 comments of Cătălin Stan

I realize that this is _extremely_ late, but: - I would like to eventually implement web sockets, but alas time :( - What I have done in order to overcome...

Hi @iandwelker, That's a very accurate assessment. To tell you the truth I don't think I considered HTML 5 `multiple` file input fields back when I wrote this. Log story...

Hi @ologon , Sounds weird, thanks for pointing it out. I'll look into it. I hope I didn't break it :) Would be interesting to know if it's only an...

I think this might be what you are looking for: https://github.com/thecatalinstan/Criollo/blob/master/Sources/Criollo/Headers/Criollo/CRRouter.h#L106-L112

I'll prioritize it for the next release. Hope to make it around the time Ventura comes out.