
Results 9 comments of theblackturtle

> Hi mate, is screenshots working on your machine? What os you are using? I use debian 8.4 x64

I also got this error too. This is output when turn debug on ``` [agent:url_screenshotter] Error: signal: killed screenshot timed out ```

I want to hook some variables in the class. Is it possible?

And can you add function can re-execute a class or method with n times. It's is nice because some app have encrypt or generation dynamic data, we can execute it...

@sciguy16 This is my command ``` RUST_BACKTRACE=full ./dirble/dirble -k -B 404,429,501,502,503,403,500 -u "" --scan-listable -a "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.90 Safari/537.36" -w ~/.wordlists/fast_brute.txt...

Thanks, I'm using it. I just suggest the new feature xD

> @sieunhando You can't run only, you need because of [asgi]( nature of `responder` > > Deployment could be done like following > Thanks. It's working.

And can you tell me what modules of python you used to build it? I always had error when I build it despite I install all module. Thanks.