Brendan Conron

Results 36 comments of Brendan Conron

@JohnEstropia I think what people are looking for, at a minimum, is the support of `NSPersistentCloudKitContainer` which handles all syncing to iCloud for you simply by changing from `NSPersistentContainer` to...

> * It's a common misconception, but remote synchronization is actually not built-in with `NSPersistentCloudKitContainer`. We still have to handle the synchronization of remote notifications via Persistent History Tracking I...

I was making my own local copy to use in one of my projects and there's a problem with the current PR & animating constraints, mainly because those animations require...

@aarontyler I'm planning big updates for FeathersSwift, Ill be addressing this in that update.

If you run the underlying `xcodebuild` command, the problem becomes apparent quite quickly: `xcodebuild -scheme FastlaneRunner -project ./fastlane/swift/FastlaneSwiftRunner/FastlaneSwiftRunner.xcodeproj -destination 'generic/platform=macOS' build` ``` error: Unexpected duplicate tasks note: Target 'FastlaneRunner' (project...

@4rihant it seems likely that will fix the issue but it's hard to say without one of the core contributors weighing in.

@vkaramov it also happens in 7.2 fyi, as noted by the screenshot submitted in the top comment.

Sure thing! It's basically the same use case as on the server or a ruby application; you use `.env` files to store sensitive credentials such as API keys, secrets, etc,...

> I agree with @ezraberch 👍 > It would be slightly harder to change values via scripts, but still doable 🚀 Because that's just not standard. If any part of...

> Can you make a concrete example of something needed by both Project.swift and fast lane for example? I did, the build number and Apple team id. Fastlane needs to...