
Results 8 issues of thebaldgeek

Running update-db in cron. After 48+ hours of running Flightairmap, accidents are only showing 2018 and older. Cron command; 0 */2 * * * root /usr/bin/php /var/www/FlightAirMap/scripts/update_db.php >/dev/null 2>&1 Output...

I am having an issue running the daemon-spotter.php. Have tried; `setsid daemon-spotter.php >/dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &` and `nohup php daemon-spotter.php &` Both cause issues of either not running, or...

In Settings -> ACARS window I would like to be able to add a hostname and port for data to be sent to. At the moment only lP:port function. Many...

Strava is removing their 'forever tokens' and going with a different method. This change will break this node. I have taken a quick look at the code and its a...

HELP Wanted

Is there any way to edit with the require variables? I have set the environment variables as directed. When I read them back ```$ echo $WEATHERFLOW_COLLECTOR_THREADS 4``` they are...

Loving the software!! Thanks again for all your help and input. I have thus far only been using it on L-Band on 3 different sats and its been going well....

### Current Behavior When viewing gauges on mobile, they are too small to read. Gauges on desktop / laptop: ![image]( (Note, not sure why the top three are super jumbo...


The following settings are on the /install/ page, but are not an option for setting in the docker yml file. 1. Site Directory. (This caused some confusion for me during...