Hagen Siegel

Results 13 comments of Hagen Siegel

I recently created a library to migrate large classic .NET Remoting projects to .NET 5 based on websocket-sharp, named [CoreRemoting](https://github.com/theRainbird/CoreRemoting). Some parts of the code may be also useful for...

> Is it a prototype or you already use it in production? It will soon be ready for production, after the following features are completed: - Automatic sweeping of expired...

> You're going to build message integrity right into the transport protocol? I have to add only a Signature property to the WireMessage class. OK, someone may say, that message...

Precise estimates are difficult :crystal_ball:, because I'm doing this only in my free time :cocktail:. Before I start to migrate Zyan from classic .NET Remoting to CoreRemoting, development of CoreRemoting...

First migration steps towards .NET 5 are done. Basic Zyan RPC features are now running on .NET 5 with CoreRemoting under the hood. Many things like events, delegates, InterLinq are...

CoreRemoting currently does support delegates and events, but not MarshalByRefObj. So I have implement this first in CoreRemoting. MarshalByRefObj behavior is tricky to achieve on .NET Core / .NET 5,...

But Zyan is using MarshalByRefObjects internally to provider delegate and event support. So I have two options to get Zyan delegate and event support running on .NET 5: - Implement...

Thank you so much. This will help. Sorry for tagging this issue as bug. You're right, DataSet serialization has security issues and so it should only be used in a...

Hello curunoir, a IpcChannel for CoreRemoting is already on my todo list. However, it may take some time before I find time to implement this. If you don't have the...

Hi GammaSoul, MessagePack is difficult to implement, because you have to decorate every type that is serialized with attributes ([MessagePackObject] and [Key]) or provide other metadata. CoreRemoting has some internal...