A couple of attempts for abbreviation based on: **Browser Extension based on Vue for viewing Elastic(search) Clusters** BEVES/BEVEC (sounds like - BVk) Vuebees BE4ES Vu4ES ...
@roji Thank you for the quick response and the link. I understand that users upgrade both .net and EF (that is not the issue of my question). My view is...
I think the main point is missed it the last conversation @roji . I just wanted somewhere in the migration documentation to be stated that the `dependency was changed `-...
IMHO I believe all you need is a **return**. Simple test, try removing the return on some of the gulp tasks and you'll notice it never says finish (even thought...
Hi all, Unfortunately I have this problem in my current project :( My project is running on .NET framework 4.5.2, and using the latest Swashbackle 5. But according to the...
I resolve it on windows by cloning locally and running the `python build_ext -i` After that I added the compiled module, i.e the torchmcubes_module.****.pyd file into the %PYTHONPATH%...