Danny Bullis
Danny Bullis
`convert_to_dataframe()` seems to return a tuple for me, which doesn't seem right. The [docs for the aif360 adults dataset](https://aif360.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/generated/aif360.datasets.AdultDataset.html) states that this method should: > Convert the StructuredDataset to a...
Ah. `convert_to_dataframe()` returns two values (a tuple), as such: ``` dataframe, dictionary = dataset.convert_to_dataframe() print(type(dataframe)) print(type(dictionary)) # # ``` Silly mistake. I forget that when you return multiple values in...
+1 Any luck with a fix for this?
Hey @SkyQuant are you asking about how to establish multiple indexedDB databases and manage them through this library?
Confirming this. I'm hitting this error only **intermittently** as I have some JUnit integration tests hitting this endpoint to test an HTTP Service I am implementing. I'm making a basic...
I've confirmed that the 500 is intermittent. I can reproduce the 500 by running a couple requests in close succession. Retry logic I've implemented will usually yield a successful attempt...
$rootScope.$apply is used because the original author created his own implementation of a deferred/promise model called DbQ. It acts as a wrapper around Angular's $q service. I was curious about...
You're right, `$q` promises themselves don't trigger a digest, but resolving a promise, such as with `var deferred = $q.defer(), deferred.resolve();` triggers a digest. Calling `resolve` or `reject` calls the...
I did. And it does. Notice how the $QProvider returns a function called `qFactory` which takes a callback as its first parameter that, when fired, invokes `$rootScope.$evalAsync`. You can see...
Yeah, there's probably more to it than just removing the `$apply` calls. It's the whole paradigm that the original author took and it's spread throughout the library (in the Transaction...