pywerview copied to clipboard
A (partial) Python rewriting of PowerSploit's PowerView
The function use the parameter dnshostname to filter the results, but using this filter the function returns only a partial list of the domain computers. To get a complete list...
Hello. Very cool!!! But thats about ACL audit with `get-objectacl`? Nowadays viewing ACL from under Linux is not very comfortable...
Good Morning, I get the following error when running invoke-eventhunter ``` # python invoke-eventhunter -w -u domainadmin -p password -t 10.x.x.x --userfile target-users.txt --search-days 5 Process EventHunterWorker-1: Traceback...
Hi, I was using your tool on a big AD (around 20 000 hosts) and I had to debug some functions because I had stacktraces like these ones: - When...
Hey man, Here's another issue I ran into recently, seems that ```get-netgroupmember``` fails to pull down the group members of anything accept the domain admins group: ``` (CME) λ pwnb0x...
This is not a functional issue, but just an opinion.. and of course it's up to @the-useless-one to decide. I would however, use the same capitalization as PowerView's functions. For...