@bitonio I'm Tatsuya, EM for Suzuki Motor. Can you please develop and apply a workaround of this issue which following JIRA shows? This issue is caused due to API...
Hi @bitonio , Thank you so much. Please let me know once you release the new version. After that, I'll test it and inform Suzuki.
Thank you. I'll test it and share the update with Suzuki.
Hi @bitonio I've tested it with EAA CLI 0.6.6, but it looks still not working. Can you please look into it? When I create the app and URL path based...
Hi @bitonio , Thanks for the update. When I create the app with all parameters with following, it works. [0426sample27.json]( It is definitely a workaround, but I think it doesn't...
Sounds good. Thank you for your support. Please let me know once the change is completed. I'll test it in my lab.