Till Korten

Results 18 comments of Till Korten

I have had similar problems. In my case, pandoc choked on un-closed `` tags. with the following error message: ``` Error at "/var/folders/8s/7jr95f1d28vflnwm1cfqv7t40000gr/T/pandoc62f680268b595" (line 195, column 1): unexpected end of...

I ran into the same problem as @jasonblais. I was able to fix it by installing and enabling the following apache modules `mod_rewrite` , `mod_proxy`, `mod_proxy_http` and `mod_proxy_wstunnel`. (I am...

Let me know If I should also make the (untested but very likely to work) changes to the non-ssl configuration.

@MikeDaniel18 glad I could help :) It took me the better part of a day to figure out what was wrong with my setup until I realized that I was...

@johannesjo I would not be so sure that many people are affected yet. Not everyone manually upgrades the extension as soon as an update becomes available. I would be more...

Vielen Dank für die Meldung. Das ist eine [Energiesparfunktion von Ravensburger](https://service.ravensburger.de/tiptoi/Produkte_FAQs/Ausschaltfunktion_tiptoi_Stift_mit_Hoerspielfunktion). Da kann ich leider nichts machen. Eine Minute vor Abschaltung wird ein Warnhinweis abgespielt. Es reicht, kurz die Lautstärke...

Thank you very much for reporting this issue. In order to be able to track down the cause, I will need a bit more information: - Did you do a...

@DuwenBlade thank you very much for the log outputs. Based on the log outputs I see two potential causes for the issues: 1. A codepage issue with accented characters. I...

The filename in the temp folder looks like it is an encoding issue, which is weird, because the exact same filename works fine on my test system. Did you by...

Unfotunately, proper character encoding in Perl under Windows is a nightmare. I will try to fix the issue, but it may take a while.