Thomas Deinhamer

Results 36 issues of Thomas Deinhamer

Hi there! Would it be possible to run all defined unmatch handlers before any defined match handlers? In my case I have two registered media queries, and the unmatch handler...


Gotta do that!


Seriously, I needa do that.


I'd love to use something like this: ``` js gulp.src(['index.html', 'styles/*.css']) .pipe(if('*.html', inlineCss({ parse: false, stream: '*.css' }))) ``` Which would just use all CSS files from the stream and...


It would be awesome if urls in stylesheets would be rewritten when embedded. ``` css .div { background: url('../images/background.jpg'); } ``` should become ``` css .div { background: url('static/images/background.jpg'); }...

**Clearly describe the bug** When running `stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}"` an error is thrown due to infinite directory traversal, although the directory containg the symlink is ignored in the `.stylelintignore` file. **What...

type: bug
status: ask to implement

I'm using `gulp-notify` which uses `node-notifier`. The new version throws an error: ``` Message: Command failed: C:\Users\...\node_modules\node-notifier\vendor\snoreToast\SnoreToast.exe -p C:\Users\...\node_modules\gulp-notify\assets\gulp.png -m Task finished. -t style:common Details: killed: false code: 4294967295 signal:...


Running something like this doesn't work. ```js const browser = puppeteer.connect({ browserWSEndpoint: 'ws://', }); critical.generate({ src: '', penthouse: { puppeteer: { getBrowser: () => browser, }, }, }); ``` This...

help wanted