Dear fred, I'm very interested in the roundabout jquery. But currently I am facing with the problem: - The slider which I using for roundabout js is narrow. So the...
Sometime the length of option string is long. So it is not easy to find "Deselect text" at the end of selected option. Please add an x button to the...
Hi, When minifying with iCheck css on my Asset (such as: ``` public $css = [ 'themes/adminlte/plugins/iCheck/all.css', ..]; ``` I get that error: `file_get_contents(.../web/web/themes/adminlte/plugins/iCheck/minimal/_all.css): failed to open stream: No such...
Hi Borodulin, How to implement scope in client config? I do not see it in the document. Could you explain it for me, such as when scope is "email username...
Hi Borodulin, Do you plan to add further grant types, such as Client credentials, owner resources Resource owner, support JWT etc...?
Thanks for your excellent work. I found your lib is very helpful for my project, but I got some problems as described below: **Describe the bug** 1. Equation created by...