@jlevis73 Sorry for this (naive) question, but for the objection we need only these 4 files, i.e. train.txt, val.txt, trainval.txt and test.txt, right?
Try this one. Go to the `main.cpp` file and remove the prefix `CV` from `CV_CAP_PROP_FPS` and `CV_FILLED`. This worked in my case.
@gdelab My class labels have only lowercase letters and numbers.
@Suodislie Sorry, I can't help you I haven't trained the network with the original dataset. But, this might help you.
@Zealoe If my level of understanding is correct, this occurs when there are no objects found belonging to a specific class. First of all, try to see if all the...
@peter-doggart Thanks for the insight! This is what I have seen, as well, however I am not sure If I can apply your suggestion as is, since there might be...