Thales Filizola Costa
Thales Filizola Costa
Ok @soumith, sorry for waiting so long to answer. Here are some information about my machine. Mac OS X version 10.9.3 Node v0.10.18 -> % luarocks list ## Installed rocks:...
@soumith, whats the version of your Mine is: > require('') > { version: '0.9.16', > protocol: 1, > clientVersion: '0.9.16', > listen: [Function], > Manager: > { [Function: Manager]...
When I import inside node, the following line appears: 'client not handshaken': 1 whereas the error I receive is: are these things related?
I was able to isolate the issue to the model_fn function:  
Not sure if this is related on not, but the `tokenizer.save_pretrained()` call is skipping one file locally: 4 files added -->  only 3 files show up locally --> 
I wrapped model_fn in a try catch and here is the error: 
Additionally, I was trying to add extra logging, but unfortunately i hit this other issue, described at
Also the install part of the tutorial is broken. Those two versions are not compatible with the latest conda: