Results 12 comments of JK

There is already fix in master branch, however new version was not released yet. You can try to use fixed version from git: npm install github:barrysteyn/node-scrypt#fb60a8d3c158fe115a624b5ffa7480f3a24b03fb However, if this is...

There is already fix in master branch, however new version was not released yet. You can try to use fixed version from git: npm install github:barrysteyn/node-scrypt#fb60a8d3c158fe115a624b5ffa7480f3a24b03fb However, if this is...

This error is caused by bug in `call_tracer.js` from go-ethereum 1.10.8, which is used in latest Opera release. As a workaround you can use the legacy call tracer: (`"tracer": "callTracerLegacy"`)...

Following change needs to be backported to Fantom's fork of go-ethereum used by txtracing branch to resolve this: https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/pull/23667/files

I am running the version 0b72c064bc49b209455a983b160df6e94e730362 on the existing database OK - keeps on the head. Can you provide more info about your hw configuration/your cpu/memory/IO usage? Is your node...

Maybe this can be related to a discovery protocol issue - can you please retest with my patched goeth library? ``` go mod edit -replace github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum=github.com/hkalina/go-ethereum@66dace009c936fdcd4ed57310629b568cc0c31fd go mod download github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum...

Running live-pruned node is supported in 1.1.1-rc2 - use: * `--syncmode=snap` to initialize the EVM state database directly to the current chain state (instead of running all chain blocks) *...

You have a syntax error in your `config.toml` file - if you need more help, please attach the content of your config.toml file. For simple fakenet you can use empty...

Hi @wzglgo, you need to use `release/txtracing/1.1.0-rc.4` - the rc.3 did not provide the debug_trace api yet. Params `--tracing` and `--tracenode` are NOT needed for debug_trace commands, they are relevant...