Thomas Ball

Results 7 comments of Thomas Ball

I am facing this issue too hashicorp/kubernetes v2.5.0 terraform v1.0.8 ``` kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim.sports_pools_volume_claim: Still creating... [4m50s elapsed] kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim.sports_pools_volume_claim: Still creating... [5m0s elapsed] ╷ │ Error: context deadline exceeded │ │ with...

Any progress on this? I'm having to use the forked version because nothing has been published to maven central.

This behaviour is actually the same with other stdlibs, for example with the same WORKSPACE and BUILD.bazel as above you can use the following Main.kt to achieve the same -...

So it looks like is causing the issue, why are we adding these libraries only to the compile classpath by default? They aren't added by kotlinc by default. Surely...

I was seeing this error after updating some of my deps, it looked something like: ``` > [builder 2/4] RUN cargo chef cook --release --recipe-path recipe.json: #13 0.592 Updating

Yeah I am encountering this issue trying to use the koin ksp compiler for annotation processing. I have something similar to ``` kt_ksp_plugin( name = "koin_codegen", processor_class = "org.koin.compiler.BuilderProcessor", deps...

Thanks, it would be good to put some more specifics about rate limits on the docs for the various endpoints, the max number of request and duration. Appreciate it might...