If gitlab is used with a subpath - name: GITLAB_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT value: "/gitlab" this should also be taken into account for gitlab-pages-config and the internal-gitlab-server setting
Trying to upgrade gitlab with pg15 shows error: ERROR: permission denied for schema public Workaround; root@gitlab-postgresql-6b74546cd5-9n2gl:/var/lib/postgresql# psql -h localhost -U postgres -d gitlab_production -W Password: postgres psql (15.3 (Ubuntu 15.3-1.pgdg22.04+1))...
**Describe the bug:** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. I configured openebs-device to use /dev/sda. This worked. But the second tenant (minio) was not created on...
**Describe the bug:** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. I configured openebs-device to use /dev/sda. This worked. But the second tenant (minio) was not created on...
Unary_function is deprecated since c++11 and is being removed from current compilers e.g. clang17, so that compilation falls.
recreated PR#2654 with OAUTH2_ added to the variable names. I tested this with Keycloak. OAUTH2_OPENID_LABEL="Keycloak" OAUTH2_OPENID_ICON=https:///auth/resources/bdj65/login/keycloak/img/favicon.ico OAUTH2_OPENID_SCOPE="['openid', 'profile', 'email']" OAUTH2_OPENID_RESPONSE_TYPE=code OAUTH2_OPENID_ISSUER=https:///auth/realms/Home OAUTH2_OPENID_DISCOVERY="true" OAUTH2_OPENID_CLIENT_AUTH_METHOD=query OAUTH2_OPENID_UID_FIELD="preferred_username" OAUTH2_OPENID_SEND_SCOPE_TO_TOKEN_ENDPOINT="false" OAUTH2_OPENID_CLIENT_OPTIONS_IDENTIFIER=gitlab OAUTH2_OPENID_CLIENT_OPTIONS_SECRET="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" OAUTH2_OPENID_CLIENT_OPTIONS_REDIRECT_URI=https:///gitlab/users/auth/openid_connect/callback @sachilles can...
Starting with 16.7 a new pages feature us delivered (as experimental): Please add this option.
The App reports a new api from the server (1.2).
During assets compile I get error that some node modules are missing. This is with all newer versions e.g. 17.0.3