Tim Greene

Results 5 comments of Tim Greene

> Regarding why liberator's decision order is like it is, the reason is that it started as a clojure port of Erlang's webmachine and inherited it's decision graph. It has...

I found the date quite surprising on RFC 7231, I always think these things were locked in stone long, long ago! I'm pleased it was helpful, the same is true...

There is slightly less boilerplated way to achieve this relying on the shadow-cljsjs namespaces that should already be available to you, you can add just those devcards specific symbols to...

If you wanted to enable this for yourself trivially you could add a shell script like the following `colima-launcher`, alongside `.../bin/colima`: ``` #!/usr/bin/env bash colima start /opt/homebrew/gnubin/sleep infinity ``` And...

Awesome, thanks @kyptin this has been on my todo list for ages for the exact same use case as yours (evergreen-ui + shadow-cljs), I ended up using webpack to create...