Travis Gerke
Travis Gerke
These are very similar to CONSORTs, and a similar workflow would apply: [PRISMA statement]( When updating, will cite the Shiny app which uses DiagrammeR to make PRISMAs: [PRISMA Shiny app](
Fantastic package. Any chance you might allow the user to provide a custom function to cv.biglasso for eval.metric? You probably don't want to get into the weeds in terms of...
slide 16: e.g. $x$ is written twice, but it would be clearer to do something like $x_0$ and $x_1$
Would help resolve potential confusion around what the numbers on the axes mean
Better enhance the question slide, in particular, specify the inclusion/exclusion criteria such as "must be current smoker" according to a target trial type question
This pops up in the whole game exercises, for example ``` > smk_wt_dag |> Warning messages: 1: Unknown or uninitialised column: `segment.alpha`. 2: Unknown or uninitialised column: `segment.alpha`. 3: Unknown...
Since the code which uses {propensity} is less verbose, it should probably now fit in the third pane in each of the example slides
The touring plans data may not meet the need for censored time-to-event data. Might have an alternate option in this pet adoption data: []( H/T Max Kuhn: [](
R code review checklist === Summary --- This checklist is designed to serve as an [issue template]( to assist in the code review process for data wrangling/analysis projects developed in...
Currently broken, PR for help/previews in netlify