Titouan Galopin

Results 54 comments of Titouan Galopin

I think this issue is not about natively integrating hoa Console in webmozart Console but to provide a bridge between them. Am I wrong?

Okay. Then I agree with @djmattyg007 on the optionnal part: even if the hoa libraries as lightweight, I think most of the users won't need the low-level features they provide....

I'm pretty sure a PR would be much appreciated :) .

Merci Tony, je vais jeter un oeil !

Ca me parait une bonne première étape mais j'ai peur du manque d'accessibilité. Est-ce qu'au lieu d'utiliser un captcha, on pourrait pas simplement faire un champ vide qui sera rempli...

Hello Bastien, You need to fix your fork: it has a SCSS problem that I solved in https://github.com/tgalopin/enpremiereligne.fr/pull/17/files#diff-783428f1e033e1832564ff345d2f32e3R83 :)

Not in SCSS/JS but in PHP yes, there is php-cs-fixer :)

Aaah lol it's not supposed to be displayed (it's managed by Preact :) ).

I need to have a look to migrate to Github Actions (that going to take a bit of time, sorry for that!)

> But could we have case sensitive attributes ? HTML5 attributes should always be lowercase AFAIK: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25033268/are-html5-data-attributes-case-insensitive > Sanitizer package is removing empty strings value of a attribute like below....