Tom Glastonbury
Tom Glastonbury
I've got a working prototype for migrations. It was originally based on the prototype put together by Julio C. Borges in 2013, although significant further work was required. Several migration...
Hi Marc, I'm also rather busy - I should have time to do as you ask early next week. Tom
Apologies for my slow reply. The migrations work I did was done as part of my employed work. It was a limited project and I've since moved on to completely...
Same/similar problem for me: I need to compare instances of Orleans grain interfaces. The comparable identity of such instances can only be accessed through a property of an object returned...
@dtretyakov, I'm slightly confused: for example, appears to be based on `microsoft/dotnet-framework:4.7.2-sdk-windowsservercore-$TAG`, which comes from, which is based on `microsoft/dotnet-framework:4.7.2-runtime-windowsservercore-1803` which comes from, which is based on...
The Windows Server Core 1803 Docker host is running as a VM hosted by ESXi 6.7.0, configured with 8 vCPU, 16GB RAM. _Expose hardware virtualization_ to guest was originally disabled...
I've recently been working on an unrelated Roslyn C# code generator. My experience with that, was that the host (be it MSBuild or Visual Studio) would not 'see' *any* assemblies...
> It also observes how long after the last extrusion and until the end of the print So if I emit a tiny extrusion after the ironing moves (which will...
@pjh I tracked down the up-to-date link to @croemmich's script:
Actually, I now own a Slice Engineering GammaMaster 2.4mm nozzle (yes, two point four millimetres). Please support sizes up to 2.4mm.