Tanmay Gupta
Tanmay Gupta
Wow thanks for your promptness. One of the things we wanted to do was to give the agents the ability to talk to the users to ask clarifying questions directly...
Yes exactly - we can do as many new tasks while waiting for a response on a previous task. I see that the human input was added recently - you...
Amazing - appreciate any feedback on it and ideas on how to make the code a little less redundant - since most of it is just about adding an await...
And certainly, I'll try and add the socket human input in a following PR but that part is a little more coupled with my current infra setup haha so could...
I've added a quick `crew_test` but I'm unable to get it to run locally. But hopefully it'll be quick enough for you to take a look + adding some resiliency!...
Yep the reason I wanted to add async tools was so that I can connect my agents to websockets that connect to Slack + RetellAI voice. So I give each...
Creating a new PR with a lot fewer changes to the code base.