Thomas Flori

Results 18 issues of Thomas Flori

I've just released version 3.0. Basically it is just an upgrade for incompatibility with angular 7. Now version 3 is for angular 7 and later while version 2.4 is for...

help wanted

```html ``` For me this should result in this: ```json { "emails": [ 1, 3 ] } ``` But currently it gets: ```json { "emails": [ true, false, true ]...

**Describe the bug** When you create a window with `_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE(ATOM) = _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP` the window is always above all normal windows. Also this window is below... overall I don't get conky...

Since the update to gnome shell 3.38.3 I get the following error: ``` PaperWM Error occured in paperwm startup: metaWindow.clone is undefined makeScratch@/home/iras/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ addAll/

Hi I love this extension and currently I'm working on another extension I saw some errors of this extension in the log and though it would be worse to solve...

### What problem does this feature solve? I don't even know where to start describing this feature. I've created a vue application using vue cli now the hello world component...

So far. Great work! Thanks a lot. Finally I can write typescript components without the clients to compile the template! Unfortunately this is not working in jest - obvious. It...

I'm not only using vim for IDE stuff - otherwise mostly I'm using vim for editing /etc/* but I don't want it to open IDEmode when editing /etc/hosts ;) You...

I would need to have windows excluded from tiling. For example some applications look pretty ugly or don't allow to resize. It would be easy to exclude them hardcoded. The...

Only now I found out that this jquery extension is not a real combo box but a non-editable combo box. Maybe it is just me but a combo box for...