Tejas Rao
Tejas Rao
In 2024, C++/WinRT (which implements [Windows.Graphics.Capture](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.graphics.capture?view=winrt-22621)) is not supported out-of-the-box by MSYS2 MinGW, which is used to build sunshine. In an old issue from loki's repo [the owner says](https://github.com/loki-47-6F-64/sunshine/issues/197#issuecomment-912553232) that...
Thanks for the quick response!! It's not strictly necessary to built with clang to get winrt, however, https://packages.msys2.org/base/mingw-w64-cppwinrt** shows that the winrt headers are only supported on clang and ucrt...
Per the suggestion of the msys maintainer in the pull request linked above, I set up a MSYS2 UCRT64 environment. In UCRT64, Sunshine builds without any code or repository changes....
Thanks for the quick reviews! I'll be addressing code and GitHub actions issue in, uh, a bit. >One other thing that WGC apparently provides is support for cross-adapter capture (capturing...
Looks like CI is failing now because of deprecated declarations in ViGEmBus and -Werror. Maintainers, what changes would you suggest here?
-Werror still hurting CI due to deprecated declaration in ViGEmBus (my statement above is incorrect, actually)**
I’m traveling this week, but when I’m back I can create a new branch with the exact same changes on top of latest nightly, hopefully CI cooperates a bit more...
@psyke83 Thank you for reporting this. I noticed it too, but I thought it might be a personal problem (i.e. "It only doesn't work on my machine") The issue no...
Rebased after successful CI run.
Hi @Nonary, thanks for posting. I realize the error message you got is pretty vague and doesn't tell us exactly which API call doesn't work. I've pushed a change to...