Hi Jan - Do you have plans to update reveal_external to Reveal.js v4? Would you be open to collaboration? Thanks =)
Yes, excalidraw-claymate html export works with a dark background. However, I like the fact that excalidraw-animate exports the animation in SVG. To confirm, excalidraw-animate does not have the ability to...
So weird...I tried it today and now when I put a hyperlink in, exportHTML does work. But now the exported HTML is not animating nor is it showing the "P"...
I believe I have a similar question. Everything (folders and file structure) is the same as cloned from github/nextra. Installed tailwindcss. tailwind.config.js and globals.css look like this [https://tailwindcss.com/docs/guides/nextjs] When testing...
@vshwjet @verbman thanks for your suggestions. wouldn't having to add _app.js negate the idea the @tailwind works out of the box with nextra? i'm wondering if there is a way...