Piotr Jasiulewicz
Piotr Jasiulewicz
Hi, first of all I want to say what a great job you did with the image. We are using it with ease for over a year and it is...
Hi, having issue with static files - when installed the app as per doc, every js/css/image is giving me a 404. Perhaps some more info in the doc for non-django...
Hi, have been evaluating fabric-bolt and it is really good. One however problem I found is that the configurations do not seem to be used neither in env nor argument....
As AWS are rolling out CodeDeploy to more and more regions it would be very useful to have ASGARD copy the current deployments for a particular ASG to the next...
Has still some problems with groovy weirdness. #405 ``` java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: the number of constructors during runtime and compile time for com.amazonaws.services.ec2.AmazonEC2Client do not match. Expected 6 but got 7 ```
Hi, in Asgard 1.5 the addition of optional tags is a very good idea, except it seams not to work. My upgrade process as always was replacing the WAR and...
Hi, I wanted to add the new EC2 having problems adding more instance types than one. ``` groovy customInstanceTypes = [ new InstanceTypeData(linuxOnDemandPrice: 0.077, hardwareProfile: new HardwareProfile(instanceType: 'm3.medium', family: 'General...
Hi, having problems with jmxtrans reporting to graphite. The problem is in only a few metrics. For instance a query ```json { "obj": "kafka.controller:type=KafkaController,name=ActiveControllerCount", "attr": [ "Value" ], "resultAlias": "ActiveControllerCount",...
Hi, having problem with hanging capifony task. Apache is configured properly (can run the apc clear task via browser). Fails both with curl and fopen. Any ideas?
If im correct there is a new command in 2.1