Results 26 issues of TetherX

I'm trying to decode an erlang term but I'm getting this: ``` ruby [3] pry(main)> BERT.decode('[{"x-max-hops",1},{"x-internal-purpose","federation"}]') TypeError: Invalid magic value for BERT string from /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.1.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/bert-1.1.6/lib/bert/decoder.rb:8:in `decode' ``` Any ideas? -...

The output from god looks as follows: ``` I [2012-10-17 19:08:34] INFO: living-recorder [ok] process is not running (ProcessRunning) I [2012-10-17 19:08:39] INFO: living-recorder [ok] process is not running (ProcessRunning)...

Would be great if these were updated to support twitter bootstrap

It would be great to have some way to access how long the request took to run in milliseconds for logging and performance monitoring.

After adding: ``` gem 'sprockets_better_errors' ``` To my gem file, it is identifying this problem with this gem: ``` Asset depends on 'mediaelement_rails/bigplay.svg' to generate properly but has not declared...

Hi there, When I try to run, I see this: ``` $ ./audio_cloverALC-110_v1.0r10-2.command Agreement The audio_cloverALC-110 script is for personal use only. Do not distribute the patch, any or all...

```ruby time-agent(prod)> Device.all.each {|d| p d.camera_id} nil nil nil "56f290913d1f9207691bab65" nil time-agent(prod)> Device.find(camera_id: '56f290913d1f9207691bab65').count => 1 time-agent(prod)> Device.find(camera_id: nil).count => 0 ``` I'm expecting it to find the 4 devices...

awaiting feedback

Hi there, I read the documentation and the tests and I cannot find any info or examples how to read from stdout in realtime? - could you please add an...

When I run docker-compose locally, it works just fine, but if I ssh into the machine I get the following: ``` $ docker-compose up Building web Traceback (most recent call...

Here are some mode codes, would be good if they are supported by this library :) < ``` [VideoMotion,VideoLoss,VideoBlind,AlarmLocal,CrossLineDetection,CrossRegionDetection,LeftDetection,TakenAwayDetection,VideoAbnormalDetection,FaceDetection,AudioMutation,AudioAnomaly,VideoUnFocus,WanderDetection,RioterDetection,ParkingDetection,MoveDetection,MDResult] ``` e.g. ```shell wget 'http://admin:[email protected]/cgi-bin/eventManager.cgi?action=attach&codes=[VideoMotion,VideoLoss,VideoBlind,AlarmLocal,CrossLineDetection,CrossRegionDetection,LeftDetection,TakenAwayDetection,VideoAbnormalDetection,FaceDetection,AudioMutation,AudioAnomaly,VideoUnFocus,WanderDetection,RioterDetection,ParkingDetection,MoveDetection,MDResult]' -O events.log ```