
Results 13 comments of Riddle

Oh sorry, it is +6. BTW, not sure if this kind of proto will intern into protoSection normally. Just try below rough workaround to prevent exception: ``` Caused by: org.jf.util.ExceptionWithContext:...

Please provide the boot-framework.oat.

The files from the link do not contain any oat files for deodex. And please try 0.86 or last pre-release.

Please provide boot/odex files. From "Near line: -1", if the debug/type info is trimmed in build-time, it will be the limitation to deodex.

Currently, deodex for N might not be supported in the near future. Because N supports default method, the computation of vtable is changed. To accomplish the change, it may either...

Moreover, current art of N release contains bug which will result duplicated method in vtable. I prefer to support for N after the fix https://android.googlesource.com/platform/art/+/1f3925d4f%5E%21 is released. Maybe N-MR1...

Supported on https://github.com/testwhat/SmaliEx/releases/tag/snapshot-s by merge v2.2. Thanks to JesusFreke.

There is no detail information about oat2dex. And if failed on deodex app, please refer to limitation which mentioned on readme.

The google drive link seems to not public.