Hello, how can i add login / register function for the whole framework, i saw this sample module but it is not clear can it be added and if so...
Hi, thanks for this brilliant packet! But.. I have a one small problem. What I want to make? If someone people is visit my site: www.site.com is the look for...
Hi everybody, I found one bug in Router.php The problem comes when I try to create the maximum length of the string I get. Then the curly brace is exchanged...
aaPanel is there a WAF can I use it for shared hosting? I have a VPS with about 18 clients
You usege of multirow approach table, but I think: **Advantages**: Simplicity - easy to implement Easy querying - no JOINs required ****Disadvantages:** **Hard to maintain** - every column that is...
python pyscan.py File "pyscan.py", line 143 print '~' * 80 ^ SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print('~' * 80)?
Hello, how can I check the last most searched keywords for the last 7 days (show them to my users) Thanks