Results 5 issues of Peter Winter

It looks like it triggers a new search on every keystroke and takes a little longer. Furthermore, it also returns results that do not match the searched keyword. For example,...

Type: Bug
Status: Available
Priority: Low
Effort: Medium

Buttercup doesn't show any information to distinguish multiple logins (if not added in the title). It would be much more helpful if we could add username/email to the displayed results...

Priority: Medium
Type: Enhancement
Status: Available

Currently, to edit an item, it requires an unnecessarily long effort. It would be way more helpful to have a context menu (or something) that allows editing the item right...

Priority: Medium
Type: Enhancement
Status: Available

Buttercup's context menus "Enter login details" and "Login with" both do not show any items even though it should. For example, in the screenshot, you can see I've an item...

Type: Bug
Priority: High
Status: Available

It would be nice to have an option to add equivalent domains where we could specify domains that are to be treated equal just like [LastPass](

Priority: Medium
Type: Enhancement
Status: Available