Tess Rosania

Results 7 comments of Tess Rosania

We've been tracing an issue where `npm` seems to sporadically rewrite our `package-lock.json`. It seems to only happen to dependencies of Electronegativity. I suspect it's related to the use of...

This has started causing a new problem for us as well, since `npm-shrinkwrap.json` includes things like `fsevents` v1.2.12, which causes install to fail on Windows. `fsevents` is a dependency of...

@ikkisoft this bit from that Yarn blog post is the key: >When you install dependencies in your application or library, only your own yarn.lock file is respected. As @balgillo mentions,...

Understood! Have you considered separating out the library from the CLI and publishing them as separate artifacts? That might solve the problem of publishing `npm-shrinkwrap.json` while letting people consume the...

@JoshuaWise would you be open to a PR that ported the V8 interface to N-API? I've been noodling on the continuous maintenance needed for Electron (#638, #693, etc.) and I...

Bumping this. I'm interested in taking this on, although I believe it's worthwhile porting off `lzz` onto vanilla C++ as part of this change. `lzz` is a learning barrier to...